
Book Lists (Past and Present)

November 22, 2023

Christmas Film Countdown: Office Christmas Party

These twins are by 3rd & 4th autumn babies, which means I’ve spent nights shushing and feeding babies for 2 of the last 5 holiday seasons. In 2018 I decided to start watching Christmas movies on Netflix during night feeds, and with lilah in 2020 I watched even more. Normally I wait until December to start, but the Netflix recommendations are already here and I don’t sleep between 2am and 7am so I just finished my first Christmas movie of 2023:

Office Christmas Party. This was surprisingly enjoyable! I was going to comment that Netflix had scored a pretty epic cast for this one but I think this may have actually been a real movie (from 2016) not a Netflix original, which probably explains the cast. 

It also had a number of different female characters in it, not all of whom thought about men all the time. It just barely passed the Bechdel test.  Jennifer Aniston is great. I thought it was somewhat funny and somewhat entertaining but the cast pulled it all together for me.

I give this film three Christmas trees. 🎄🎄🎄🎄


  1. Is this three trees out of five, or three trees out of ten!? (or three out of three?) I am usually not a huge fan of "Christmas" movies that don't have santa and reindeer in them (my brother's girlfriend says that Die Hard is her favorite Christmas movie), but you never know when you may get a surprise!

    1. Haha I couldn’t decide what the scale should be… I have a low bar for “good” when it comes to Christmas movies. So I figured I would make this a 3 and then decide if the next one is better (in which case it can get more than 3) or worse. This is a very unscientific metric.

  2. Love that this season in your life seems to match up with the Christmas season! I watch far too few Christmas movies, but they definitely help make me feel festive. I will have to check this one out.

  3. We always watch It's a Wonderful Life and Scrooged. We're thinking of maybe adding something new this year...maybe Office Christmas Party?

    1. Oh I would so not put it on the same list as those two! I probably should explain my christmas movie standards a bit - they are LOW. I should make a better metric, with Love Actually at the top, The Princess Switch in the middle... and I'm not sure what's in the bottom.

  4. I've watched it, it's funny, it's about a Christmas party but doesn't come up when I think of Christmas movies LOL
