September 28, 2023
September improvements big and small
September 27, 2023
Tablets and Tables - Toddlers to Teens
Tablet/Tech thought for today:
One of the things I've noticed with tablets/phones and kids is that the opportunity cost of giving screens to small children can sometimes be low to start, but it seems to increase with age. For example, I often see kids at restaurants watching screens while their parents/family enjoy a meal. I can see the decision making process here - eating at a restaurant with a three year old is hard work, you don't really get to enjoy adult conversation, and it's probably a more pleasant adult experience if the child is entertained.
However - it seems that there would never be an end point to this. I remember going out to dinner as a family when I was older.... teen or preteen age. From what I remember, we talked and shared stories and enjoyed each others company. I never had the option of screens at meals, but I can't imagine the toddler on a tablet will grow into a teen contributing to conversation.
Basically, it seems very hard to undo habits you get into with kids. Sometimes a screen may seem to have little downside now, but what if giving a toddler a tablet now means you don't get to chat with your preteen later? At what age will the tablets be taken away from the children at the restaurant? I can't imagine an 8 year old giving up the screen they've enjoyed for their entire living memory.
I know this sort of decision applies to more than just tech - but I don't know many people who have managed to reduce kids use of tech. I am acutely aware that any tech we do introduce tends to increase, not decrease.
I also think there is an unwillingness to tackle tech in a different way than other habits - many people give babies pacifiers. Then they have to take the pacifiers off the toddlers. It's hard work. At the other side you have a child independent of a pacifier. Almost no one would say "ahh well they are so much happier with their pacifier" or leave it until the child is ten. The process of removing the pacifier is difficult but societally acceptable. The process of decreasing kids use of technology is the reverse - it's difficult and societally acceptable not to.
And I always come back to our own use of technology - as parents and role models. I walk Isaac to primary school now past rows of cars with parents and kids waiting inside. The parents are almost always on their phones. The kids stare out the window or watch their own tablets. I didn't grow up in an era of smoking, but I imagine that as a kid, if you sat next to your parents smoking every day, you would eventually want to smoke. I wonder what these kids think while their parents scroll away. I don't like it.
September 21, 2023
Thursday Thoughts
September 18, 2023
Monday dispatches
Somehow it is Monday again. It's difficult for me to not quantify my life stuff as related to being pregnant, but I imagine no one came here to read a pregnancy blog either. The main numbers running through my head are:
5 weeks to go until the babies are evicted
3.5 weeks left of work
3 weeks to Isaac's birthday party (my last planned social engagement)
My maternity cover at work is doing amazing, which is exciting, helpful, and makes me feel a bit left out and sad. It's the first time I've ever worried that a cover will be better than me... because I strategically didn't have covers for my last two mat leaves. I just gave work to already busy people who I didn't have to train, and everyone was very happy when I came back.
In really random news, the other morning this grew from one of my house plants:
Umm, what are those mushrooms? How did they get there? How did they grow overnight? I didn't realize how creepy mushrooms are but they are, in fact, very creepy.September 14, 2023
Health and other misc random things.
Being pregnant is super weird because lots of the symptoms of pregnancy are also the symptoms of other things. For instance, I was always convinced I had Covid during my Lilah pregnancy because I couldn't breathe deep. Turns out having a baby take up all your lung space makes breathing hard. I knew twin pregnancy would be hard and so for the last few weeks, when I had zero energy and was out of breath walking up stairs, I just assumed this was how twin pregnancy goes. After all, I only have 6 more weeks, and at last check I have two 3.5 pound babies growing in there.
Luckily I had a somewhat random blood test and it turns out I had very low B12 in additional to low iron levels and low iron stores. Last week I started getting B12 shots - six over the course of two weeks - and I am already feeling better. I'm hoping that I continue to get more energy and less winded, and I'm thankful that the NHS was able to both pick up the problem and treat me so quickly.
On Tuesday it was my last day in the office before maternity leave. My leave doesn't start until 11th October, but I cannot really make the 2 hour journey to the office right now, so I'll be 100% working from home until then. A number of big projects are wrapping up and my maternity cover is learning quickly so I do feel like I'm floating towards the finish line. Well... not floating... maybe surviving.
My planning is still blah - I haven't made any goals for September at all. And it's half way done! How did this happen.
Isaac has started school now and I've realized there is a whole world of people on schedules that I never knew about. The school schedule is everywhere. We are adjusting - Isaac is doing great - but the simplicity of dropping two kids off at nursery is gone and now we have two kids going two separate places. Hopefully only for a year, but it's definitely a change.
I have managed to see more friends recently as I feel like this is my last chance to get out for a while. I've had lunch dates (yay working from home!) and next week I have a lunch time walk scheduled. It's started to get dark earlier (8pm) so evening walks may have ended for the season. I'm trying to get excited for halloween - my favourite holiday - but it's a bit hard to consider with the twins looming. I can't focus on the scary holiday because of the scary twins... oh shame
Also, a blog I like seems to have disappeared off the internet. Weird!
September 9, 2023
September Saturday
We are currently having a heat wave in Wales, which is crazy since it rained basically all of July and August (or at least felt like it was raining all of July and August). It's currently 26c/79f. This is very hot for Wales, and especially hot for a person in their third trimester twin pregnancy. I blame the heat for my last of blogging, and also for everything else. Thankfully it's meant to cool off tomorrow, which I am really looking forward to.
Being late-stage pregnant is an interesting experiment for me in lowered expectations. I know I recently read and didn't particularly rate How to Keep House While Drowning but I have been recently lowering my standards a lot for the house. For instance, if I had more energy right now I would be washing and changing my bedsheets. I would be wiping the very dusty window sills in the kids room and sweeping our kitchen floor. I would be sorting the baby room out, which the kids have turned into chaos by filling it with every teddy and baby doll in the house.
I did rather foolishly try to get a rug outside to get some sun and try to beat clean. It turns out rugs are heavy. Now this is my lounge:
However there are many good things about today/life:
- My dad is visiting us this week and it's been fun having him around
- The kids are playing really nicely together.
- We are going to fill up the paddling pool and have a garden-picnic when Andy gets home from the shop.
- I slept from 8:30pm through to 3:30am yesterday and then intermittently onwards to 6am.
- Our new dishwasher works and has this super cool feature where the door opens when it's done washing so the dishes can dry
- I started getting B12 shots from the doctor as they caught another form of anemia and I'm hoping this brings my energy levels up a bit
- My maternity cover at work is picking things up so quickly and I really enjoy working with her
- Our food plan is going well, and even though my limited energy and desire to eat better has caused an increase in the cost of groceries we can absorb that cost
- Isaac's first week of school went well
- I own enough fans to make the heat tolerable
- Even though it's hot I can still tumble dry a load of tiny person clothes rather than pegging out 100 things on the line