It's the last day of November - and I've made it almost all the way through NaBloPoMo! 29/30 isn't bad at all. It was amazing luck to find San's blog when I did, and I have "met" so many awesome bloggers in the last 30 days. I am sure I found San through Elisabeth Frost via The ShuBox. This is why I loved blogging back in the day - finding people through people is way better than Google/Instagram/Facebook.
My biggest learn from this month was I actually have say more than I think. Some of my favourite posts of my own were on topics I didn't anticipate writing about. I restarted this blog primarily because I wanted a space to talk about technology and gender - something I'm super passionate about - but I am also realizing I have a lot to say about the general logistics of life... and the gendered constraints of time.
I've been on a "learning journey" since 2020... starting with Laura Vanderkam... continuing to Eve Rodsky. Caroline Criado Perez was another game-changing author for me. I discovered Berne Brown later than most but all of this has changed my approach to life. I wouldn't have moved jobs, I wouldn't have started a writing club, I wouldn't have restarted my blog, I wouldn't have started a local running club (currently on hold because winter - yuck) without the influence of these authors.
I did not read for nearly ten years of my life. One year, the only book I read was The Hunger Games. Another year, the Twilight series. I read 50 Shades of Grey. And that was about it - for 10 years. In 2021 I decided to start reading again and finished 48 books that year. This year I'm at somewhere around 52?
There is so much to learn, and to do. There is a whole world of people doing things better and sharing that knowledge.
And, on a more time management note - if I had time to write a blog every day for a month I definitely have time to do 5 minutes of strength training every day for a month. But somehow, that seems far more daunting than writing.
Looking forward to seeing you in December!