Yesterday Andy made the comment that our house is currently very heavily used. This is true. There are a lot of people here, and a lot less time to maintain things.
I have severly lowered my standards on cleanliness. It turns out, slippers can mask how many crumbs exist in our dining room! Why sweep now when Sarah (our cleaner) can do it on Tuesday? I could be sweeping now, but I would rather write a blog post.
We also have the pram currently stored in the dining room, because double prams are really big. British houses are not.
This is a really sub optimal set up.
I have the urge to get rid of many things. The big kids are prolific artists. Why is the bread on top of the bread bin? Can I throw away that pile of child drawings or will someone be sad?
We did have a grocery delivery today, which explains all the bread... but still. Chaos!
Also, I will tell you the story of that breadmaker. We make a lot of bread. We eat a lot of bread! About two months ago, our bread started coming out flat. I thought it was the breadmaker - it's almost 8 years old and used almost daily for the last 5 years. Andy wanted to try other things. I almost bought a breadmaker in December but decided to wait and let him work on it. Then breadmakers were out of stock untill February. Finally they were in stock and I bought a new one. I made a loaf of bread with a bag of whole wheat flour and it turned out great.
Andy then made a loaf in the old bread maker with that same bag of flour and it turned out great. Apparently, it was our old flour causing our bread not to rise.
I'm not sure why we didn't try new flour in the last two months. But now we own two bread-makers. One brand new and expensive. I don't want to sell it on and instantly lose money... which I know is a total sunk cost fallacy. I'm annoyed neither of us tried buying new flour, although we both think we tried that and that it didn't work. Anyways, our house does not have room for a second breadmaker.
Another thing I want to declutter is my iron and vitamin C supplement. I took this for a very short time while pregnant and it made me feel awful. Do I throw it away? I would love to give it to someone who wants an Iron and Vitamin C supplement, however I don't want to spend the time to join a freecycle group and message people and arrange collection etc. Perhaps I need to take a page from KC Davies and just throw it away? But it feels so... wasteful.
what can I do with half a bottle of expensive Conditioner for curly hair when I now wear straight hair? Or the unopened white pepper that came with a meal kit which I'll probably never use?
And as more things come in... I've emptied this box of baby 6-9 clothes:
I made a bag for the baby charity shop (because I just know I wont put the twins in some of these things - most were third hand for Isaac) and a bag to give away to friend with a baby boy. I put the rest in a drawer, which is slighty satisfying, but the drawer is already overfull:
I don't think babies need more than one drawer of clothes. The top is full of 3-6 months, which is what they are in now. Unfortunately Audrey is about to grow out of these and so I'm waiting untill I can put both of them in 6-9, poor Nora will just look like a tiny baby in massive clothes.
But back to baby clothes - I want to give these to the baby bank, which is baby specific donations. But, I have to get to the baby bank, which is tricky. So it's more things in my house for now. It feels like I'm not emptying the house... I'm just moving things around in the house.
Also, I don't like tidying the big kids room. I decided to get the kids baskets for everything. Anything that doesn't live in a basket either goes to charity or has to have a different home. Here is their basket system:
FYI, the baby play gym on the right does not belong in this room, but Lilah insists on putting it there for her babies. Apparently the actual babies don't get a go.
Well now that I've managed this me time of writing a blog post (babies slept! Yay!) I think I might work on clearing off that counter. Maybe I'll wipe up the crumbs. Maybe.
I guess my general thought is that if I feel like I'm always tidying things up then I probably need fewer things, and yet I'm having trouble getting rid of things.
Also, someday I'll spend some time proofreading my posts again. I'm sure I could declutter half the words.
Today is not that day!
What should I do with my vitamin C? What else can I get rid of today?