It's the end of May already!
What a weird month. It wasn't the "Maycember" I've heard so much about on the internets. Our school doesn't finish until late July... and even then it's only one of my kiddos finishing school. Paid nursery is year round, and maternity leave with twins is 24/7. So even though I am thinking about "summer" it doesn't feel like a big change is really coming.
This month is rained A LOT and was mostly cold. There were a few nice days and we did get to spend some time hanging out in the garden
The twins were loving their food and are at the right age for cafes. non-mobile, easy to feedThere were two Bank Holidays in May - one at the start and one at the end. We tried to get to the beach for the first one but it was so wet. We did get to the beach on the second one and managed to get out inbetween rain showers. Lilah loves the beach and hopefully our summer can involve more beach adventuresGOALSSPORTS
I've not been "feeling it" on the sports front. I blame the weather and lack of sleep. I was so excited to start running again and now the idea of doing and 2 mile loop in my local area brings back covid stir crazy. Possible solutions:
- Combine run with bike ride. Ride somewhere and then run
- Set standards lower - aim for one good trail run a week rather than thinking 3 runs is what counts?
- Drive to a local trail for a better run?
- Target a longer bike ride one morning?
- Use paid child care time for exercise?
- Find online classes I enjoy more or good youtube videos?
I have started back with my gym buddy and joined a gym. I am going once a week with him, on a Thursday, and have done this for two weeks. One of my goals this year was "Regular strength training" and once a week is pretty regular if we can keep this up. Another goal was to do 4 local 5k races. I may try and do one of them soon.
I am hoping that if twins (and kids) continue reliably sleeping until at least 4:30again, and I keep reliably going to bed at 8pm again, that I will have enough energy to be a morning exercise person again. The introduction of 2am wake ups was not a good one this month. Here is 8pm to 5am on the week ending the 19th of May:
And yes, I am really getting into my colour codings. Green is walking. Red is awake time. Yellow is feeds.FOOD
I may as well add this one into a monthly review, but our meals/eating have been great in May. We have had fish for dinner a few times, which I love and often forget to make because it is expensive. We also ate Shwarma, which is a crowd favourite and super easy since I just chuck chicken and veggies in a bag with seasonings all day and then roast in the oven for 30 mins or so. I made pea fritters and falafels earlier this month and have been making hummus more too. We haven't eaten oven chips once and barely any food has gone to waste. I am spending a decent amount of time cooking and food prepping, but I am also enjoying eating more nutritious home made food.
- Everyone staying healthy this month!
- Twins enjoying food and starting to reduce number of milk feeds
- Friends and play dates
- Dinner out with my mom friends
- Our garden looking so nice when the sun comes out
- Eating meals outside
- Affording good nutritious food
- Not injuring myself immediately on return to the gym
- Scrambled eggs - our most favourite breakfast
- Podcasts and positive inputs