November 15, 2022

Adventure Day 4: Trains, Planes, and Automobiles

We are home at last from our long adventure.  Biggest little is completely shattered and had a near meltdown before scoffing two soft tacos and falling asleep at 6:30pm.

Before I had kids I heard someone say that every day without kids was a holiday.  I didn't really understand it, but when I realized I wanted kids someday I tried to remind myself every day that my current life was a holiday.  I'm glad that I was aware then of the freedom I had, and I can now see what the person meant.

As a very small example,  I didn't get to read at all during any of our 8 hour journeys.  I mostly managed a small person's energy level, and then failed at it towards the end when we ate a bag of M&S Cheesy Puffs and he jumped on a train seat.

A holiday would be an 11 hour flight without kids.  What a decadent treat that would be.  I remember hating long flights in my life before... so boring.  Now? So quiet!

Besides this selfish thinking, the little loved the trip and even if we didn't experience every moment wonderfully I know we both will remember it wonderfully.  

Here's a timeline of our adventure today:

4:30 Isaac got up, but I tried to get little to go back to sleep.  I'm not sure how successful it was. 

6:30 Isaac turned on the light and said "Time to get up, I'm hungry" so we had breakfast 

7:30 Drive to the Train

8:16 First train was Carlisle to Edinburgh. I love Edinburgh and I want to go back.  I really want to go with husband for a two night trip but I'm not sure how feasible that is - maybe in February?? Time to call in all the childcare help...?

9:50 Tram from Edinburgh Haymarket to Edinburgh Airport.  The airpot was full of dreams, as expected.

12:00 Little was very excited to get on our orange plane:

1:45 Plane lands in Bristol!

2:10 Bus from Bristol Airport to Bristol Train Station

2:55: Train from Bristol Train Station to Cardiff Central

4:01: Train from Cardiff Central to Retirement Heights

4:15: lovely husband dips out of work to pick us up from the train station.  The train station is a 15 minute walk from our house, though at Isaac speed today we would have probably taken an hour to get home.

And now, I am home.  It's great to be home.  It's great to be away.  I wish my friend lived closer.  

Also, train was 100% better for getting to her house.  As a comparison, we left our house at 8am on Saturday and got to Friend at 2:30 after 2 trains. Total cost £80 and 6.5 hours

Today we left at 7:30, got in a 4:30, Total cost £170 for the flights and all train/tram/bus travel and 9 hours.

As promised - Old Roman Stuff:


  1. You're not being selfish - life with kids just really changes perspective (and the reality of) SO MANY THINGS. Kids are much fun...but they're also absolutely exhausting.
    I love this line: "It's great to be home. It's great to be away."
    So true!

  2. Yes... I was just commenting on another blog, can you imagine how easy our lives would be without kids??? I'm not sure I appreciated that every day was a holiday before I had them- I don't think I realized how hard it would be. But even though it's not a holiday, there's something special about taking a trip like this with a little kid. You get to see things through their eyes and appreciate the excitement of flying on a plane!... instead of spending the whole time reading. You definitely gain something and lose other things when you decide to have kids.
    I'm glad you're back home safe and sound after your journey.

  3. Holidays with kids are certainly a bit more challenging than no kids, but they bring something special to the experience, especially the way they look at the world. Blink and you'll be where we are now, adult kids, and back to kid free holidays. Although we still take them on some holidays.

  4. that truly was an traveling adventure. I am wondering why did you go not back by train? I am not sure you mentioned it somewhere already.

    1. This is a good question, I wanted to see how little did on a flight, and see whether it might be feasible to visit my family sometime soon with the kids - they are an 11 hour flight away. When I started pricing it out the price and times looked about the same, but then on the day there were a lot more transfers than I remembered. It was an extra 2 hours and £26 to get to the airport on friends side and although the return airport is a 1.5 hour drive from our house I forgot how long the public transport option took (2.25 hours and £27). Learning journey all around - but definitely doing train next time.

  5. The trip sure sounds like an adventure. And yes, it's likely easier going alone and it's hard with little kids sometimes but I love seeing their excitement doing things for the first time. I have done my fare share of long distance travel with little kids (hello 11 hour flight) and it's not great but doable.

  6. I can imagine that life with kids is so enriching and exhausting at the same time. While I - childfree - do not feel like I am on holiday every day LOL I understand what you're trying to say ;)

    It sounds like you had a great trip overall.

    1. Haha I didn't mean to imply that every person without kids has an easy life... I just know I felt very aware of my freedom once I became aware my freedom was going to end/change. But I think that's the fun thing about getting older - High School felt hard until I started University. University felt hard until I graduated, My first job was the hardest until I got my second job! I try for myself to appreciate what I have, but I never want to belittle what other people are experiencing either.

    2. Oh, you're absolutely right. I am sure I would feel the same way if I had kids and also, it's very true that things always look " easier" in retrospect! ;)

  7. Holy wow, Rachel. This must have taken epic patience and energy. I hope that you, too, got to bed early? (I loved the tacos staving off the meltdown, though!) And thanks for explaining the rationale - I was wondering, too. At least you know now - train to friend's house! (How was the plane, though? Would the kiddos last on a plane ride to your parents', or even a shorter one?)
