November 14, 2022

Adventure day 3: morning random thoughts

I’m collecting up lists of things that are tricky without smartphones and I would definitely put remote blogging on that list. Luckily my house has the usual pile of outdated tech, so a disconnected moto g serving as my wifi connection here, but it’s not particularly easy to navigate/use. I’m fairly sure when I got the phone (2014?) it was the shiniest thing I had ever seen! Now it actually feels harder to use than my Nokia 105. Either way, apologies in advance for all the spelling mistakes.

What also makes blogging tricky on holiday is working around the schedule of a four year old. I was very excited to see BF yesterday and stayed up far too late drinking beer and eating cheese and watching tv. Then Isaac woke up at 4:30 and I very quickly tried to write a post in between telling him it was too early to get up and debating getting up myself. Hence the very quick ending yesterday.

Btw, I love “old Roman stuff”. I love castles most of all. Yesterday was a visit to Vindolanda which was amazing and well worth visiting should you ever find yourself in Cumbria on a clear sunny day. Photos to follow.

Today is our last full day up north. Tomorrow is our great plane/train/tram/bus adventure.  Through a combination of kid #2 and pandemic I have definitely missed a lot of adventure and can’t wait to summer of adventure 2023 (planning to commence shortly).


  1. Oh goodness. 4:30 is too early! Why do children resist sleep so strongly?!

  2. 4:30 am! My heart sank when I saw that time. I figured any time after 3:30 am was a tossup; by that point, they had slept long enough they were unlikely to go back to sleep. Ugh. Hope tonight is better. But so glad you're getting to do lots of fun adventures and staying up late always feels rebellious and reminds me that I'm an adult and blowing through bedtime - occasionally - is such a treat!

  3. Kudos for trying to keep up with NaBloPoMo despite the less than ideal circumstances ;)

  4. I'm very impressed that you're able to blog at all under the circumstances! Good luck with the big travel adventure tomorrow- I hope it's fun.

  5. Oh yes I have tried remote blogging. I used to write all my post on a commute to work and then at home just adding images. I have never figured that out in remote...

  6. 4:30 am is way too early for a kiddo - I suspect a super-excited kiddo, at that - to be up. And yes, good on you for blogging without a smartphone and a reliable internet connection. That takes dedication. I hope your trip home was as smooth as it could be - can't wait to read about it.
