October 11, 2024

5 on a Friday

Lilah has full autonomy on her clothing. Exhibit 1.

1. I am so into Taylor Swift's "I can do it with a broken heart" right now.  I've been listening to it with Lilah and we like jumping up and down in the chorus, except I don't want to explain what "I cry a lot but I am so productive, it's an art" means.  Anyways, I also think a lot about LagLiv's awesome post on of this song.  I love finding new Taylor Swift songs I like.  Maybe soon I will actually watch all of the Eras tour.  Maybe I should watch the Eras tour video with the kids?

2. In other emotions news, I saw Inside Out for the first time last week.  That's a mildly intense film for a kid! But then when Lilah was having a meltdown one night I asked her if Anger was in her head and controlling her and she said YES! And then we were able to actually calm down, which was kind of cool, because I've never really understood the "name and validate" feelings thing, but maybe a Disney movie can get me there (or Pixar?)

3. There is a really awful story out of France right now about Gisèle Pelicot. As far as a summary, A guy did something terrible, and invited other men to be terrible, and the other men were terrible, and now they're all on trial saying "but I was told by that guy that I could be terrible so it's not a crime!" even though being terrible is a crime.  I know that's a simple view, and if you don't know the full extent of the story be warned it is a terrible terrible story.

4. I read the news too much.  It is always terrible.  Where does compulsive news reading come from? Why? I need to put together a no news strategy or something.  During Covid I didn't read the news and then would buy a paper on a Sunday.  Then we realized even Sunday papers aren't great.

5.  I finally completed my idea week template, which was actually a fun exercise! It took more thinking than I... thought.  But I did realize it should be possible to do lunch exercise once or twice a week.  And also that although I have a lot of standing evening dates, I need to have alternate evening dates for when standing dates cancel.  For instance, on Monday Andy goes cycling.  His cycling was cancelled, so instead I went swimming! It was great and I slept so well.  Thursday is writing night, but if not writing then.... ?  Basically my plan is to have a backup for my standing dates so I don't just spend the night on the internet if plans fall through

5a. Speaking of standing nights, we have moved Family Logistics and Operational Meeting from Friday to Wednesday.  It's a bit tricky since we are now planning a week out - on Wednesday we plan the following Saturday-Friday.  But neither Andy or I have brain power for Friday FLOM.  It's Friday now and Andy just said "you know what I'm glad we're not doing tonight? FLOM".  It's true.


  1. I love Lilah's outfit; its very cool. I was just going to say that I was never that coo, but then I looked at it again and thought that maybe I had an outfit very similar to that. Are the 80s back!? I love the variable prints and colors.

    That story about Pelicot reminds me of some the stories about the Nazis. They all were doing it because they had to, and the other people were worse than them, and there were so many bad guys...etc. I mean, some of you were eating steak while people were starving, I don't think that was part of what you were MADE TO DO by the higher powers.

    1. Haha sometimes the prints and colors are very 80s! I had some amazing bold button action on my clothes as a kid which I think is making a comeback.

      I know what you mean. I think I almost understand societal pressure MORE than what happened in the Pelicot case, because I imagine that Nazi's lived experience somehow started to normalize something so awful. But maybe somehow we've managed to normalize what Pelicot did to the point that 50 or something men thought it was OK? It is all so sickening.

  2. The news is horrific. For a long time I scaled back on how often I consumed news (I deleted the BBC news app off my phone because I was opening it multiple times a day). Guess what, I now just open up Safari on my phone multiple times a day and go to the BBC website. The world is just so crazy lately - wars, natural disasters, and I feel like I MUST stay informed. But, really, there is little I can do beyond my sphere of domestic life. Why not stay engaged in that? So I am committing to limiting my news consumption. Maybe to MWF? My husband reads the news multiple times daily so if anything major happens, I know I'll hear it from him.
    I saw Inside Out for the first time a few months ago and really liked it! The second movie was good too; I took my son to see it in theatres.

    1. BBC is exactly what I get stuck on too. I need to re-block their website on my phone. I don't have almost any apps but without uninstalling safari (which I apparently can't on an iphone) I just find myself flipping back to bbc website. And the WalesOnline website, which is 5% local news and 95% horrible trite.

      And yes, I know I will not miss anything major if I don't read the news! The only way it affects me is by putting little pieces of other people's tragedy in my head and I don't understand why I would ever want to do that. And then I read BBC again.

      I will have to watch the second inside out soon!
