December 7, 2024

Random phone photos and a long narrative on tablecloths

About a month ago Andy and I were walking and he saw this note on the ground:

On the other side it said "Relax More".  

"Who would have to write this list???" Andy asked.

"Me!" I said.  I feel so connected to this list writer’s life.  I hope they got their list done and didn't forget to relax more, or to make pulled pork, or to relax.


One morning I got a pen and decided to write a list of everything swirling in my head.  I set a 5 minute timer and I wrote three pages of things.  Some were to dos and some were thoughts, everything from "drop off parcel" to "find employers liability insurance" to "don't maintain friendships I don't need".  After writing it all out I at least realized why my head is so so full of things.  There are so so many things.  I'm not actually looking at this list again or trying to make a to do list from this list.  It's just, a list.  And because it's an impossibly long list with an impossible jumble of thoughts and actions I can just realize that I have an impossibly full brain full of thoughts and actions and that's just my current state of things.


My mom and sister brought me this from America and it is the best america fall present I could have received.  I love love LOVE trader joes and miss it all the time and especially in the fall.  I love pumpkin butter, I love those Jo Jos (also I love sugar) and I haven't made the bread mix yet but I know I will love it.


We are transitioning babies out of IKEA high chairs and into their tripp trapp high chairs and I am SO EXCITED.  I have been tripping over IKEA high chair legs for 5 years now and I am done:

In addition to not tripping on high chair legs, the new set up means babies are at the table with us, which means we needed to extend our table.  Unfortunately we don't have a table cloth big enough for the extended table.

Speaking of full brains, I have aways ordered the table cloths.  We use the wipe down PVC ones because we have so many kids.  Last time we ordered was for our last table, which was oval, and extendable.  We had two tablecloths - one for extended and one for not extended.

When we switched to rectangle table, the small tablecloth was so battered we started using the big one and cut it down to size.  

Last night, I sat through the following conversation (this is probably really dull, you can skip to the bottom)

Andy: don't we have a big table cloth?

Me: we did, that's it

Andy: where's the one that fits the large table?  I'm sure we have two

Me: it was for the old large table and we cut it down

Andy: I'm sure we had two

Me: we did have two.  for the old table

Andy: What did we use for this table?

Me: the one that's on it now

Andy: but it doesn't fit the big one?

Me: no, because we cut it down to size

Andy: I'm sure we had two

Another family member: We can order another from dunemp

Me: We ordered these from Etsy

Another family member: I'm sure it was Dunelm

Me: it was etsy

Another family member: are you sure?

Me: yes. 

Another family member: I dont' think it's Etsy

Me:Here it is on Etsy

Another Family member: Oh maybe it was, but they sell it at Dunelm

Me: I think it's different on Dunelm

Another family member: Oh here's the receipt from Etsy.  but I think we ordered two?  And there's only one?

Anyways, the end result of this conversation is that Andy spent an hour not ordering tablecloths and I realized that I have spent hours of my life thinking about table cloths (I mean, not in one go, but over the 5 year course of using table cloths) and all this has enabled is other people to not think about table cloths at all.  I told Andy he is now responsible for table cloths and he lamented how hard it is but is fine to take on the job. 

I am going to actively look for more "table cloths" in my life to completely stop thinking about.

Also, as an aside, I watched Everything Everywhere All At Once and it was so weird and also I think it is one of my favourite movies.  Maybe 40 year old moms are the new teen girls?  I feel I really understood this film in a way I wish I didn't.

What's your table cloth?  What's a thing you have thought about and managed for years with low level effort that no one else really notices?  

Edited to add: Andy read my blog and feels he is not presented in the best light, so I will amend this in two points:

1 - The conversation may be more of my perception of that conversation than the actual conversation.

2 - Andy ordered 5 sample table cloths, which are tiny samples of a table cloth.  So he didn't spend an hour not ordering a table cloth.  He spent an hour working towards the ordering of a table cloth.  Which I also appreciate!


  1. Not sure you have the time for this, but I did an "Artist Way" class and they recommend doing "morning pages" every morning...just writing anything that comes to mind. (I do it on my computer, even though they recommended handwriting it.) I have found it helps immensely in sorting through the hundreds of things going through my mind..helps me realize what is important to think about and what "tablecloths' I can get rid of. And keeps me sane.

    1. I have not read this book but I have heard a lot about it. Glad to hear it has helped for you. Maybe I should keep going with the writing anything that comes to mind - I did this typing and didn't find much use for it but I bet hand writing would be better as I feel like I let things out better by writing than by typing.

  2. I will tell you what I do, NO TABLECLOTHES. It is so easy to wipe down the actual table. I know this won't solve your entire life, but I am curious as to why tableclothes are necessary. Are they a fun pattern? Is the table ugly? Tell me why! I have a friend who uses them, and they are festive, as in, she changes it out each season, and that seems like fun, but it also seems like a lot of money and brain power used to worry about something inconsequential (to me). I know you do you and all, but I am team no tablecloth.

    My tablecloth is organizing things, usually travel related, or get together related with friends, and I always care about all of the details. Like if there is a vegetarian, or a person who doesn't like to get up early, or a person who cannot run as far as the rest of the group, I consider it all and make plans accordingly and communicate. And then I get (a) crickets, (b) no enthusiasm, and so I gave it up, and guess what, nobody else picked it up and so now we just don't hang out. It is kind of sad but I was so tired of doing all of the work!

    1. Very legit question! It's actually Andy that likes the table cloths - he thinks the wood will get damaged through kids and something. The table is IKEA fine. I think it would look good without a tablecloth but if Andy cares about it i'm sure he will pick a table cloth he likes!

      Our old table needed one because it had lots of grooves and scratches and was both ugly and hard to clean. I do love a wipe clean cloth though.

      Totally agree with the planning piece. I'm working on a bit of this myself a the moment. "The Phone Works Both Ways!" is something I remind myself often.

  3. I loved the tablecloth story and did not feel it painted Andy in a bad light; rather, I thought it was such a charming depiction of everyday married life. And he is taking over the tablecloths! Very exciting.

    Love that to-do list you found. Let us all adhere to that list as often as possible.

  4. That “conversation” made me crack up, but I’m guessing it was not fun in the moment. We have always used placemats which just means having enough for how many people you have.

  5. When my husband and I have these conversations, I wonder what his brain gets to focus on because it's ignoring the minutia so entirely. Probably music. I mean, we make a decision together (or maybe I make the decision but I tell him about it (or maybe I only THINK I tell him)), so it seems obvious to me that no, we do not have two tablecloths anymore. And I wonder how I am failing in my explaining that it goes around in circles as many times as it does.

    Our everyday tablecloth is just a smidge too big for our table, so it gets pulled down sometimes when someone sits or gets up, and having it all catiwompus like that bothers no one but me. But I'm the one who likes having it on the table. They could not care less. Tablecloth? Nice. No tablecloth? Also nice!

    Read/Relax. Pulled pork. The perfect ToDo list.
