February 2, 2025

Sunday Update: Reading, Sports, Sleep

So many blog posts in a row! I got tired of being a once a week blogger but I promise I won't become a once a day blogger.  

This week we had no childcare at all and it wasn't the worst.  So that's good?  The weekend was full and fun with family visiting and a play date with friends from my pre-natal class with Isaac.  I planned the play date because I have too many kids to get invited anywhere.. we rented a hall (£36 for two hours!) and we ended up with 8 adults and 9 children (unfortunately two families dropped out last minute) but it was still a lot of fun.  

Also, one of my friend was here for a play date on Friday and saw my collection of cards and asked who turned 40.  So at the party this weekend I was presented with a cake! Honestly if I could have picked any party for my 40th I would probably have picked a play date in a scout hall so this was pretty much my dream.  Also, a chocolate cake! My third birthday cake this year. 


About 30% through this.  So cute

This week was a bit meh for sports.  I had two days off work to watch kids, which meant that I didn't have the flexibility to fit in a workout during the work day.  On days watching kids I also didn't have a chance to do any exercise.  I couldn't meet my gym buddy because we rely on morning childcare to make that happen.  I know everyone is super into swapping childcare with partners, but four young kids is a lot of young kids.  I lost my 30+ day Peloton streak, but I am not sure if I'm really into streaks anyways.  In good news,  I did my second in person Yoga class of the year (goal is 15).  90 minute hot yoga is hard.
  • Monday
    • 30 Minutes Peloton ride while watching Emily in Paris
    • 10 Minute bodyweight strength

  • Tuesday
    • 90 Minute hot yoga

  • Thursday
    • 30 Minute pop ride with Ally Love

  • Saturday
    • 30 Minute 2000's ride with Hannah Frankson

I'm still not getting enough sleep. I averaged 6.93 hours.  Maybe this week is the week that Audrey starts sleeping till 6am?? Or maybe, like every other week, I just have to realize that my day of parenting starts at 5am and even 5:15 is a 15 minute sleep gift.  


  1. I love the surprise cake too! How fun! 90 minutes of hot yoga sounds really hard. I've never done hot yoga, and I don't intend to start. I hate being hot! I have friends who LOVE it though.

    1. I wouldn't like hot yoga either if I lived somewhere warm! I love hot yoga on very cold days but would hate it in summer.

  2. I think I have done hot yoga twice and....it was hot! I don't remember how long my class was, but everyone was wearing very skimpy outfits (I was not) and I remember biking to the yoga class and so I had to bike home and I was all wet and sweaty and it was COLD! Note to self: bring a change of clothes, dummy! Hahaha.

    1. I did hot yoga in Portland and everyone was in tiny shorts and sports bras and wearing bracelets and they all looked so cool. I was not in that. I was in normal clothes. Over here everyone seems to wear leggigs and normal yoga shirts. Some people wear soccer shorts. Also the class only has 10 people which I appreciate because I do not love other people stink in my yoga lol.
