March 5, 2023

Sunday Fun Day (and Meal Planning)

This weekend started abruptly, without my usual "plan on Friday".   Andy and I did have a longer F.L.O.M at a pub Friday evening (thanks grandma babysitting!).  

On Saturday morning we took the kids to the Bike Park for toddler takeover.  I'm fairly sure Lilah would chose to ride a bike until she fell asleep and fell off (or fell off then fell asleep).  She was borderline delirious when we finally got her home, where we had a lunch of cheese quesadilla and Spaghetti Hoops.

Andy and I got out for a walk/hike in the afternoon.  It was going to be an overnight but got scaled back to a local walk and a trip to a pub I've always wanted to visit.  We made it home by 6 and sorted kid bedtime.  Grandma was a bit tired by this point so we sent her home early.

Today (Sunday) I made it out on my mountain bike.  Unfortunately I don't really have a group to go with so it was just me.  Before I had kids I used to ride with Andy, but after kids Andy rides with his group and I haven't found new biking friends.  Or rather, I haven't found local biking friends.  I keep thinking there must be other local female mountain bikers... maybe someday I'll try and start a club.  In the interim, I enjoyed 2 hours out solo and even managed this classic photo from the "Instagram Spot"

This afternoon we have a play date with friends we haven't seen in ages.  It was arranged via a single text from me "hey, are you up for a playdate on Sunday or next week?" and now I have a playdate.  I sometimes feel like I need to plan something better than a house hang out when I invite people to things.. but house hang outs are great. And free.  And, she said "yes come to my house" which means we won't even be at our house.  All wins.

This week's food plan is a good one:

Monday:  Pasta and Roast Veg (must not eat too much before Yoga!)
Tuesday: Chicken Shwarma and Sweet Potato Fries
Wednesday: Slow Cooker Veggie Spagbol
Thursday: Turkey Burkers & Sweet Potato Fries
Friday: Grandma cooks dinner

What's on your meal plan this week?  Do you like "hanging out" or prefer structured events and invites?


  1. I love just hanging out with people. It's fun to do things as well, but it's so hard to plan.

  2. There's an article about hanging out that's been making the Internet rounds:

    Sending that text was a big deal and you're doing great by just planning something easy!

  3. I love hanging out; I'm a big fan of last-minute plans, which seems a bit ironic since I'm a big planner...
    But the spontaneity often makes it more memorable and laidback.
    Meal plan this week? EASY STUFF. My husband is away again, so I have some breakfast-for-supper options, leftovers tonight, and a few freezer meals that I can pull out and have prepped in under an hour!

  4. Yum, chicken shawarma. I need to make that again soon.

    1. A friend made it and it's a new favourite here! We accidentally got bone-in chicken thighs though so that made the recipe harder.
