March 12, 2023

Weekend Warrior Again

On Saturday I told Andy I didn't want to do park run if it was raining.  The weather forecast was rain, starting at 9, but when we woke up it was SNOW.  As Andy pointed out, snow is not rain, so off to Parkrun we went.

This run went much better than last, and I was 2.5 minutes faster, which puts me in the realm of generally slow and not horrifically almost walking slow.  The main improvement this week was the addition of music - I have trouble getting music to go in my non data connected world.  So I bought and downloaded Hamilton, which I listed to on the run.  

There was also a photographer there, and I am a total ham, so I got this AMAZING photo:

That's 25 minutes into my 5k and I still had probably 2k to go.  

On Sunday we went to Mountain View Bike Park with the kids, and I managed to do some riding as well

(I did some bigger jumps too but also enjoyed chasing kids around the pump track)

We bought Lilah a new balance bike, which now means that we own 3 balance bikes.  Isaac is so ready for a pedal bike but wont try it, and Lilah is so desperate for a pedal bike but isn't ready.  

She is a great MTB poser and I can't wait till she's a mountain biking superstar so I can use this as a "way back when" photo:

And, even more excitingly, I hung up my bathroom art and Andy put up my office mirror!  This has been on the to-do list for AGES:

That's all from my busy weekend.  This week's meal plan is pretty simple:

Monday: Beans and rice and chicken
Tuesday: I'm in Edinburgh
Wednesday: I'm in Edinburgh
Thursday: Spagetti and Meatballs
Friday: Pizza

I mean, maybe I'll eat a vegetable this week?  But don't count on it.

What was your weekend highlight?  Have you ever been to a jump park or a pump track?

1 comment:

  1. That running photo of you is amazing. You should frame it :)
