March 7, 2023

Tuesday Updates

Work: Today is my third Tuesday in a row with kids/off work.  My normal working schedule is alternate Tuesdays off. Although I'm enjoying the kid time I can definitely see how 80% time is way harder than 90% time.  At 90% time I think I'm basically getting paid 10% less for the same amount of work but the privilege of being unavailable once a fortnight.  With 80% time I'm just stressed about getting things done.  

Fun: The Banff Film Festival is coming to Cardiff on Wednesday and I did not plan ahead but really want to go.  I texted everyone I know who might be interested, including people I don't know so well who might be interested, but unfortunately everyone is busy. Having kids with your adventure partner means it's hard to find new adventure partners.  Even people who couldn't come seemed happy for the invite, so I still think I'm laying groundwork for future friend dates even if this friend date didn't work.

Sport: I have found the most amazing yoga class on a Monday AND I can go for the next 4 weeks due to mom visit-childcare. It's 90 minutes of strength and yoga and I feel battered and amazing after.  

Food: Last week I made a lentil lasagne with white sauce.  This week I pulled some out of the freezer and OMG why is lasagne so much better after being frozen?

Books: I am currently listening to Better than Before by Gretchen Ruben and even though I'm 2 hours into the book I can't tell if I have read it before.  I then started Quit like a Woman by Holly Whitaker on audiobook and I am LOVING it.  I did not realize alcohol is a feminist issue and this book might be a life changer - I was already going off drinking but this might just send me towards total teetotal. 

What are you reading?  Have you ever been to a mountain film festival?


  1. I think I could get 100% of what I need done in 80% of the time if I really set my mind to it. I've got the next best thing with a boss who doesn't work on Friday afternoons which means that I work alone completely at my own pace on Fridays.

    We have a film festival here but it's usually the same week as the boys' spring break so we haven't been in years. It's great fun though, and we've seen some really great things.

    1. That's the crux of "part time problem" isn't it - people can generally get 100% of their work done in 80% time, but we don't want to get paid 20% less for doing it :-)

  2. Your yoga class sounds perfect! So glad you found it.

    That lentil lasagne sounds kind of amazing. Off to google a recipe so I can see for myself!

    1. I pretty much just put all the veg in the slow cooker with some lentils for a few hours and then use that for the middle bit of my lasagne. This time I made a white sauce which definitely made it extra tasty!

  3. Lentil Lasagna with white sauce... ahm, sounds delicious. Do you have a recipe?

    1. Umm. not really! Just a bunch of lentils and veg in the slow cooker! I used this recipe as inspiration:

      and then, just a normal white sauce. with lots of butter and cheese. because otherwise lentils are too healthy lol

  4. Umm. not really! Just a bunch of lentils and veg in the slow cooker! I used this recipe as inspiration:

    and then, just a normal white sauce. with lots of butter and cheese. because otherwise lentils are too healthy lol
