April 18, 2024

Sports and Exercise musings on a Thursday.

I haven't been doing much exercise lately.  I've been "getting back into it" often.  Strava tells me my last run was last Friday, and I'm sure I didn't do anything else this week.   I think there are a few reasons for this... the babies "schedules" are incredibly variable.  Sometimes they sleep till 5:30am.  Sometimes 4am.  Sometimes they wake at 3 and sometimes 11 and 3.  If I'm up at 4, it's hard to get up again at 5 for exercise, especially if I think the big kids might start getting up at 5:30 and the babies might wake at 6.  But on writing this, I realise this is not a great excuse, because no matter when babies are up I can do exercise from 5-6.  No one should need me from 5-6.

I missed Pilates on Tuesday and going to a class once a week anchors me back into trying to fit exercise in.  I 50% go to Pilates to catch up with a friend who goes with me but she couldn't make this week.  Getting out of the house to a class with twins is HARD.  Although I know going to Pilates is good for me, I also don't think it's worth it without the social aspect (and the twin wrangling help).  

Exercise is odd because I know I feel so much better when I am in a good movement routine, but I also am not sure if that's because when my life is in good shape I exercise more, and when it's chaotic I exercise less?  So the exercise isn't what makes the good life, but it is a symptom of the good life?

I have been getting outside EVERY DAY as part of Elisabeth's Cool Bloggers Walking Club. It's an intentional 10 minute outside walk every day and I think it's good for me, plus I love being part of a club.  I haven't managed a cool blogger walking photo yet though, because I am apparently not that *cool*.  

Also, it's very dark in the morning.  Why is it so dark in the morning?  I don't need it to be light at 8pm, I need it to be light at 5am.  Who can I write to about this please?

The babies woke up at 4am today for a feed so I got up after.  I'm going to try for a 5:30 run.  That's 15 minutes from now.  Hopefully it will be light enough.  Hopefully the babies wont be up again by 6am, and the big kids will sleep as well.  

And I could rely on Andy of course with kid stuff, but it turns out Audrey scratched his cornea in two places and his eye is swollen shut.  But also, it doesn't take two eyes to watch a baby right?  In good news, he's now off work for a week so can help with babies.  In bad news, it's probably not a nice way for him to recover from his eye injury.

Isaac asked his why he didn't just close his eye when Audrey tried to poke it.  Good question, kiddo!


  1. Really enjoying your posts. I’m the twin mummy that discovered your blog recently. Even though my twins are older, I feel I’m back at your stage at the moment! Trying to juggle, unpredictable schedules etc, and trying to fit exercise in! Well, how I’m doing it? Currently on my indoor bike writing to you 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Oh welcome to my blog! I love hearing from twin mums and I'm hoping this blog will be a bit of documentation for me for when mine are a bit bigger. Nice work on the indoor bike and blog combo - sounds like a great idea!

  2. I'm so glad you've been able to get outside each day. Despite my walking club, I mostly dislike exercise. I like how it makes me feel, but the rest of it...ugh. I hate being sweaty. I hate how much time it takes. I hate the effort. I wish exercising (and loving exercise) came naturally to me. I think you're doing great, and also know you have such a good framework so as the twins get older and your schedules become more concrete, you'll quickly fall back into the routines that fed your body and soul before.

    Andy! The cornea! A week off work! Isn't it crazy how many ways tiny human beings can upend our lives?! Wishing him a speedy recovery and hope the extra set of hands...and his one good eye...are a boost to your week.

    1. Thank you! I did not like exercise until I was in my mid twenties and then I got into mountain biking and road cycling. When I was 30 I started running and enjoyed that as well. It did take a while for me to like it though - I think exercise is an acquired taste... I didn't like beer at first but now I do. Exercise is the same for me.

      My goal is to take a walking photo for you for your next friday post! I love seeing your round ups!

  3. Poor Andy! I love Isaac's question though; kids are so matter of fact sometimes, aren't they!? I hope that you got out for your run and that Andy survived your absence! Sometimes I keep my expectations of my fitness low so that I can achieve it. If I can just do a one mile run, I am happy. If I am feeling good and/or have time and I go longer, great. But the idea of a three mile run makes me procrastinate a lot more.

    1. I'm on week 3 (or maybe 4?) of couch to 5k and the runs are getting a bit harder... mainly because I'm sort of using it as interval training rather than walk-run. But I definitely started leaning towards "just do a 2 mile run" or "just do a warm up 1 mile run" because when I started wanting to do more 5K runs I started to go off running all together. I think 3 miles is definitely the procrastination boundry!

  4. Oh my gosh! Poor Andy! I hope his eye heals quickly.

    Why IS is so dark in the mornings?! I object to this, too. It would be much easier to get up and get moving if the sun were shining. Who do we lobby for more hours of sun?

    1. I am glad you agree! Down with late sun! Up with morning sun! :-D

  5. If I was in charge of the world, sunrise would be at 5:30 every day! It's just so nice when it's light early in the summer.

    I'm not cool enough to do walking photos either. The reason why I walk every day and the reason that I have a hard time taking photos is the same: the puppy. As soon as we finish her puppy classes she'll be more manageable on the leash and then there will be more photos.

    1. Thank you! It did get light at 5:45 but I feel that's 15 minutes too late.

      Puppy walks must be a fun chaos. I bet it's hard to get a photo!

  6. It is true, it's easier to fit in exercise and reap the benefits if life is going swimmingly... much harder to get this benefit when life is out of control (and therefore lack of time and energy). I am glad you're getting outside though - even if for 10 minutes!
