July 4, 2024

Hello July!

Happy July 4th!

The good thing about writing these kind of posts is that I look back on the last month version and realise I could say just about the same.  July is starting out tired! Audrey is still waking at 4am every morning! The babies still have 2 teeth each but more may be coming.  I averaged 7.3 hours of sleep in June.  I read 6 Books in June.

Looking forward to in July:
My brother coming to visit.
The end of school for Isaac.
A settling in day from our Nanny (meaning a day off for me! Wow!)
Reading more great books (I got a 7 day "skip the line" copy of Funny Story by Emily Henry and it is so far great and fitting into summer reading.)
Continuing my current level of exercise.  Taking more Peloton classes.  Using my friends Peloton bike!
Continuing to paint my nails.

Tricky things in July:
Sleep is still not great
I am very tired
Twins are being 8 month old twins
Work has been absent in communication about the end of my leave, which is not dire but is certainly frustrating.  I am aiming for a September 10th return
The weather is SHOCKING.  Rain! 62/27 degree days! Clouds! YUCKY YUCKY YUCKY.

July is a weird one because it seems full of potential and yet... not.  We make a family calendar every year with photos from every month and for some reason July photos are just not that interesting.  Why don't we do things in July? Also, I feel acutely aware that the days are now getting shorter and feel like I haven't yet started to enjoy the days getting longer.  Hopefully they're getting shorter slowly?

Current food situation
One good thing about having babies around is they are far more adventurous eaters than my 3 and 5 year old.  We enjoyed Fish Pie and Risotto in the last week which the bigger kids wouldn't touch and the babies loved.  So it's nice to share food with 2/3 of our family!
Current menu favourites: 
Macaroni and Cheese
Falafel Mezze
Scrambled Eggs
Things in Buns (burgers, veggie burgers, fish fingers)

I am working on a weekly food template as follows:
1 Pasta dish
1 Slow cooker meal
1 Things in Buns served with potatoes (burgers or sandwiches or ???)
1 Carbonara OR Mac and cheese OR Pizza
1 Things cooked on a tray and served with rice. (Fish fingers? chicken nuggets?)

I have no other epiphanies for this month or last.  I looked at my yearly goals and I am doing fine for being halfway through the year. Maybe I'll run another 5k this month?  Maybe I'll take the kids to the bank?  Both of these are still on the list! 

What are you excited for in July?  How was June for you?


  1. I AM excited for July. June wasn't my favourite - in terms of my monthly chapter title, I've labelled it "The Murky Middle"...but July seems to have a lot of potential. Only 4 days in, and I'm happy with our plans and really enjoying all the sunshine (and air conditioning).

    Ooof. That is so much disturbed sleep. I remember years ago, when my oldest was a newborn, having a locum doctor do a well-baby visit for me. She had already had one child and for years had told parents all these tricks for calming babies and admitted she had secretly judged people who hadn't sleep trained their kids at a fairly young age. THEN SHE HAD TWINS. One of them slept through the night almost immediately and the other was awake every 45 minutes around the clock for almost a year (severe colic?). Anyway, she said it made her a much more compassionate doctor because she realized you could have two kids, born to the same parent, treated the same way, react so differently in infanthood. The good news, she survived, and the twins are thriving and she looked rested. (When I ran in to her at a playground a few years ago, she volunteered the information that her husband got a vasectomy after the twins arrived).

    1. I love that story about the locum doctor! thankfully both twins are better sleepers than either of my other kids were as babies, but I have definitely worked HARD to get them to sleep as well as they do. And I am doing nothing different between the two so it's crazy to me that one sleeps 6-6 an the other needs a 4am feed every day. The smaller one sleeps better too... and she's the exclusively breast fed one as well. Everything I thought about baby sleep is wrong apparently becuase I was sure than heavy babies slept better as did formula fed babies. Oh well.

      I'm glad the locum doctor survived and LOL on the volunteered info too!

      I am looking forward to reading more about your july!

    2. I love that story about the locum doctor! thankfully both twins are better sleepers than either of my other kids were as babies, but I have definitely worked HARD to get them to sleep as well as they do. And I am doing nothing different between the two so it's crazy to me that one sleeps 6-6 an the other needs a 4am feed every day. The smaller one sleeps better too... and she's the exclusively breast fed one as well. Everything I thought about baby sleep is wrong apparently becuase I was sure than heavy babies slept better as did formula fed babies. Oh well.

      I'm glad the locum doctor survived and LOL on the volunteered info too!

      I am looking forward to reading more about your july!

  2. Yay for your brother's visit. And you're using your friend's Peloton? First time? How did you like it?? Inquiring minds want to know!

    1. I LOVED it. I want one so bad. I keep looking around my house trying to figure out where I could put one. We have 5 rooms so it seems like it should be possible but right now andy and I each have offices and mine doubles as a guest room. If i got rid of the bed in my office I could use that space for a peloton, although I'm not sure how to get one up to the top floor of my house. Also I'm not sure Andy is interested in moving a ton of furniture just for me to get a peloton... but stay tuned becuase I am turning 40 in January and big birthdays mean big toys!

    2. Could you put it in the shed? Or would it then often be unusable due to weather? Or not get strong enough Wi-Fi? Here the peloton craze has passed and I think they are relatively cheap second hand. I hope you can make one work for you! - Kat

  3. Oof, that sleep situation sounds so difficult. Some kids are just naturally good sleepers, and others are not. My sister is still not a good sleeper, and she's 53. My other sister (her twin) has always been a great sleeper. Throw in teething, ear infections, colds, etc., and it can be haphazard.

    1. This is definitely true! I am doing nothing different between the two and they are very different sleepers. And yes - teething and colds etc is definitely a recipe for worse sleep all around. At least hopefully your sister stopped waking up your parents sometime before she turned 53? :-)
