July 8, 2024

Monday thoughts: Summer, Rain, Unicorns and Books

It is impressively wet

Is it possible to photograph rain?  Maybe not really.  However, here is my best attempt.  Look at our lovely outdoor table, all ready for summer dining al fresco!  Look at how wet it is.  We have eaten outside maybe 10 times this summer?  Ahh well, summer isn't over yet.  Probably.

Speaking of summer, although I'm not really in a "OMG SUMMER IS COMING" mindset, I do definitely feel like change is brewing.  It's got a bit of the Autumn feel, without the autumn cozy.  Isaac has two more weeks of school and then 6 weeks of summer holidays.  we have visitors for the first few weeks.  We have a smattering of childcare.  

I am making summer fun lists.  Visiting local gardens.  Swimming (potentially only indoors, and only when I have childcare for the babies, but for a kid a swim is a swim).  Eating outside?  I bought ice cream cones LAST YEAR and they still sit unopened because it was never warm enough for ice cream.  Also because it wasn't the right time to feed the kids ice cream.  

This weekend we went to a local agricultural show that included a tractor display.  Isaac and Andy were both very excited
Of course it was also raining.  Shorts and rain coats is standard Welsh summer gear.

The agricultural fair also had a unicorn!  Lilah was so excited until the ever practical Isaac said "NO NO I CAN SEE A STRING IT'S JUST A PONY WEARING A FAKE HORN!"

I watched a three year old's heart break.  it was sad.  She really loved unicorn.

I managed to finish Funny Story by Emily Henry in just under the 7 day mini loan and I so enjoyed it.  I'm not sure if it's because I read TWO great but somewhat "oomph my heart" books right before (Elinor Oliphant is Fine and Little Fires Everywhere) but it was just the lighthearted read I needed.  My next loan is The Idea of You.  
Next week I have a RACHEL DAY while our Nanny does a settling in day with the twins.  I am excited planning this day.  long run in the hills? Massage? Paint my own nails? Look at my calendar and dream things for the rest of the year or for next year?  I will have up to 6 hours of freedom!

In other news, we do family questions at night.  Lilah told us that she had a trick question for us.  The trick question was - "What is your favourite trick you can do?" 

What's your favourite trick you can do?  What would you do with 6 hours of you time?  


  1. I really dislike rain if it last more than a day. I think I would wilt in Wales!!
    Yay for 6 hours. I hope it's a really great time away and I can't wait to hear all about it.
    If I had to spend 6 hours any way I wanted...I'd probably savour a coffee with a friend at my favourite coffee shop, do a walk in the woods, enjoy a delicious lunch on the deck in the sun (obviously it would be beautiful weather on this day!), and then watch an episode of the Great British Baking Show.

    1. I love your day Elisabeth day! Watching an episode of the baking show sounds perfect too.

  2. It has been a super rainy summer here and I'm over it. The river is flooding and it's so hard to get places with streets closed everywhere.

    I can touch my tongue to my nose. Is that an impressive enough trick for Lilah?

    1. I am so sorry you have had a rainy summer too! It does make me feel slightly better that it's not just a wales thing though.

      I will ask lilah! I can also touch my tongue to my nose.

  3. Ooooh a Rachel Day! That sounds amazing and I love all your considerations.

    I can wiggle my ears. I hope that counts as a trick because that's the only one I've got.
