October 31, 2013

Brussles - Exploloring all the awesome.

Brussels is AWESOME.
We spent a lot of time walking around.  The streets all have cute little touristy restaurants that are nice to walk by but probably less nice to eat at
We instead found a place (okay, it's super high on trip advisor and came up when i googled "What to eat in brussels") that serves fresh fishy things at standing tables.
I ordered the fish soup and the Croquettes.  I have no idea what a Croquette is but I ate one anyways and I still don't know what it is
The fish soup was super tasty! I could have ordered a lot more but also wanted to save room for waffles and/or fries.  It was a hard life!
We saw the famous Manniken Pis.  It is a peeing boy statue.  This city is odd.
One day we visited the Atomium  It was built for a worlds fair but now it is a tourist attraction.  Why don't they have worlds fairs anymore? they made such awesome stuff!
I was exercising my right to bare arms. I pretended it was summer.  Actually it was very cold.
The inside of the atomium had a place that looked like space mountain
But sadly there were no roller coasters.
View from inside the Atomium!
Ooh the future is so cool! Also we explored Brussels at night.  How pretty is this!!!
Belgium 3
We saw this statue of a Lion too.  He looked very melancholy. Why so melancholy Mr. Lion? is it because you are made of bronze?
 Belgium 1
I tried to take pictures of my lovely mom but she does not like photos.  So instead I have made a collage specially for her:
Traveling with my mom is super fun.  Traveling in Belgium is super fun. I would recommend everyone get the chance to travel with my mom in Belgium.  Except you can't, because she's MY mom, and your mom is probably less cool but you're stuck with her. Sorry.
MMM Belgium Beer!


  1. You are super cute in that atomium picture. Also, good news: they DO still have worlds fairs, except no one goes or knows about them anymore because Disneyland and actual Space Mountain.

  2. Ahh I did not realize there are still worlds fayres! But what big awesome things to they build? Why is there no new Eiffel tower or Atomium? Also who goes to world fairs now anyways?
