January 4, 2024

Thursday thoughts

I feel like someone always needs their nails clipped here. Toes, fingers, babies scratching me, Isaac having dirty nails… and then I realised it’s because we have 80 nails to clip now in this house… excluding adult nails. That is a lot of nails.

We eat eggs often. Two eggs a person is my usual serving. Right now that’s 8 eggs but when these twins are older we will be eating a dozen eggs every time we want scrambled eggs. 

Babies slept pretty terrible last night.  Suddenly, going to sleep is their problem. It used to be staying asleep that was the problem. Either way there is little sleep.

I had all 4 kids by myself yesterday for 2 hours  and it did not go well for anyone.  I know kids forget their and my bad behaviour quickly but I do not forget either quickly and I didn’t need more things to keep me up at night replaying and wondering what I could have done better.

School starts next Monday here. This break has been too long. The next break is February and Isaac will definitely be going to a holiday club for some of the days.

As long as I can get a 4 hour stretch of sleep every night i feel approximately fine. But I don’t really have much in reserve from my few 4 hour nights to deal with the sub 4 hour nights. 

Today I got rid of a shirt that never looked great on me but which worked for the awkward phase of middle/early pregnancy.  I also got rid of a nursing top which had a large hole in the armpit. How long has the hole been there? No idea. Yay decluttering!


  1. That is a lot of eggs and nails and not a lot of sleep. I can empathize with that lingering feeling of "bad behavior" as you called it. If you need an outside perspective: FOUR CHILDREN, two of them infants, all at once, BY YOURSELF?!?! I am sure it will get easier over time, but geez that sounds highly stressful. You kept them alive and that seems like a major feat from my viewpoint. You are doing a great job.

    1. Thank you! I didn't realize what I was getting myself into when looking at my calendar. I'll try not to be in that position again for a few months.

  2. What Suzanne said! The bar of success for being the only adult with four VERY small children for two hours is set at not having to call an ambulance or the police. 80 nails and a dozen eggs a pop is a lot!

    1. Haha thank you! No ambulance and no police needed, great success!

  3. Four kids is so many kids! (I only have two and often think it's SO MANY KIDS). And on limited sleep. Oof. I wish I could pop by and rock a baby for you and make a pot of tea. This too shall pass - you know that - but it is rough. Sleepless nights and all the stress of listening to so much crying is HARD. You're doing great, and I hope you get an amazing night sleep.

    I hate cutting nails and my husband always refused to do it, so I have cut every fingernail for over a decade of parenting (and I STILL cut their nails because I had a ton of ingrown nails as a kid so I am relentless about cutting them to avoid the same issue for my kids).

    1. Aww thank you! yes it is just a lot of kids and a lot of crying. I love reading about your big kid adventures though, and knowing that time is coming here too :-)

    2. Actually I think your kids are probably medium kids... which seems like a really fun age of kid!

  4. Our dog hates having her nails trimmed and we do it every week and that absolutely sucks. I can't imagine 80 nails!!! Hugs to you. You can do this!

    1. Cutting dog nails is way harder than baby nails! and weekly is a lot of dog nails!

  5. The nails are the worst! Baby nails grow so quickly! Even my own grow so quickly. A few weeks ago, I had cutting my own nails on my to do list for 5 DAYS! Then I finally it done and it was already time to do it again today, argh. - Kat

    1. I can't wait to have time for pedicures again. I'm also going to hopefully get manicures this year when I'm not washing my hands 100 times a day... then at least I know my own nails will get cut routinely haha

    2. I think perhaps my only goal for this year is to paint my fingernails once. And get the okay to go back to the gym. But giving myself a manicure will be more exciting! -Kat

  6. "As long as I can get a 4 hour stretch of sleep every night I feel approximately fine." Ha! I guess approximately fine is all you can hope for at this point! I hope that you can start to get more than a four hour stretch soon and that the kids going back to school brings you a little bit of "rest."

    1. Thank you! I used to want to feel fine but I've since realized that "approximately fine" is close enough for me for now.

  7. My daughter is 27, and I still remember those first 12 weeks with a mix of nostalgia and exhaustion. Throw in hormones for extra fun. I have an only child, so have never had to deal with what you are in the midst of, but I suspect there would be a lot of tears and yelling. As to how I experienced it then, I remember LOVING how fun she was, how sweet and darling and all of that. And being frustrated by the crying (colic for almost 5 months), and TIRED. So tired. Hang in there.

    I am terrible at cutting nails. My husband had to cut our daughter's because I cut her finger the one time I tried it. I barely cut my own, so I get holes in the tops of my socks (and shoes!). It's ridiculous.

    1. Out of curiosity - did you find the first 12 weeks fun sweet and darling? Because I don't remember that with any of my kids... the fun part for me starts around 4-6 months. However I know some people like the newborn stage more. Nora is very cuddly though, which is new for me, although she also has reflux so she's only cuddly when not sad. Audrey hates being a baby, which Isaac hated too, so I'm looking forward to her enjoying being a not-baby more.

      I actually like clipping nails - I feel like I'll need a nail clipping assembly line soon. I don't think my husband likes how I clip kid nails but if he doesn't like it he can do it :-D

    2. That's funny about Audrey, since one thing we say to Arden when she's crying (which Althea now also says) is "I know, it's hard being a baby."

  8. Wow, that's a lot of nails (and eggs for that matter)... at least you're able to keep count ;)
    4 hours stretch of sleep doesn't sound like enough, but I guess you take what you can get these days?

    1. Yes I know I will look back later and think "WTF four hours?" but it seems to work at the moment. I am normally an 8 hours in bed, 7.5-8 hours of sleep a night kind of person and I know I'll get back there someday!
