March 8, 2024

5 Food Things on a Friday

Here is a list of things I am loving.  I started this list before realising it's all food or food related.  Oops!

Dating Tupperware in the fridge.  I started using a chalkboard pen to label leftovers when they go in the fridge.  This is mostly because I instantly forget how old something is and I hate food waste.  Our family wastes almost no food (except kid half finished food, which I hated at first had to let go).  I consider it a personal failing if something goes off in the fridge - why didn't someone eat it first? We have so many meal times every week to eat leftovers. Nothing should go bad.

This also explains my penchant for dinner at breakfast.  4 day old chili is my breakfast buddy.  I would rather eat carbonara in the morning than have it go bad.  I also don't *really* like freezing food that is near its expiry because then I have to be careful to eat it quickly on unfreezing.  I am also probably laxer than most on how long I will let things sit before I eat them... so it's probably good I have some standards.  Andy's general rule seems to be a week, I am "before a week" which I know google will say is too long.

Decaf Coffee. I recently realised i like the taste of coffee.  I was sad because I was trying to stick to one coffee a day (there are no conclusive studies associating coffee with awakeness in breastfeed babies, but I didn't want to risk it.  The Emily Oster in my mind was telling me off for this sentiment).  But then I remembered - decaf coffee!  Same great taste, no caffeine.  Yum!  I have been enjoying a decaf (or sometimes half-caf) second coffee. 

This apple magic thing.  Slicing apples is boring.  This makes it easy!  How do I like them apples? I like them a lot.

Scooping spoon.  I eat a lot of peanut butter, especially now that I chop apples often.  Apple is a great vessel for peanut butter.  But as per the above, I detest wasting food.  Enter this scooping spoon! It gets into all the peanut butter jar crevices to give me more tasty peanut butter and waste less tasty peanut butter.
Really good cake.  Andy's mum used to bring us cake every Monday, which we would eat throughout the week.  She is an amazing cake baker. This was a great set up.  I did not realise how attached I had become to Monday cake delivery.  She hasn't been able to come lately and I am going through serious cake withdrawal.  

This weekend we are getting cupcakes for Mothers day, I am hoping that fixes my cake needs. I'm also wondering whether I need to just spend a week eating cake and see if that cures me? Whatever it is, no chocolates or biscuits are good enough to fill this cake void I currently have


  1. Adding the scooping spoon to my Amazon wish list for the next time I need to pad my order. This is the solution I've been looking for all my life!

    1. I thought it was a gimmick until. I used it ALL THE TIME! I hope it works for you too!

  2. One of my favorite breakfasts when I'm pressed for time is "dinner in a wrap" where I put leftovers in a tortilla and eat it on the go. I find "breakfast food" such an arbitrary thing!
    And having a weekly cake! That sounds amazing. I loooove cake.

    1. Leftovers in tortilla sounds great! I should do this more often!

  3. Food, glorious food!!! I am with you on number one; I will eat it unless it smells bad, and will happily eat chicken and rice for breakfast if that is what needs to be eaten. In fact, that may be what I eat today for that very reason. However, I do often put half of it in the freezer on day two if I am not feeling it. That way it will not go bad immediately when I take it out of the freezer, but I am not in peril of wasting it in the fridge.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I try and freeze things quickly if I think they wont get eaten, but I sometimes don't guess right what the husband will eat. He's told the kids before that my hobby is freezing things when I freeze something before he gets the chance to eat it.

    3. Oh Andy, legendary sass machine. - Kat

  4. Ooh how did I not know about the scoop spoon and why don't I have one? Must fix ASAP.

    Yeah I think *technically* you're supposed to eat leftovers within 3 days but in here in the real world I fall somewhere between you and Andy. A week might be pushing it, but I've done it before and I'm sure I'll do it again.

    When I was a kid there was this thing called the Clean Plate Club where the only excuse for leaving food was if you puked. On the one hand it drives me nuts when my stepkids waste food, but also I'm glad that they don't feel obligated to eat something unless they want to. I think it's a way healthier approach to food and eating habits. I'm just jealous that it wasn't an option "back in my day".

    1. 3 days is probably a good idea. I definitely aim for that... I sometimes don't succeed.

      I remember clean plate club but I feel like I don't need more kid power struggles and I'm not sure that any of the foods that I had to try from the clean plate club later became foods I liked at all. There's a current theory about kids and food where you can let them try them all to let them find what they like... which worked OK until Isaac started school and then he found out he likes cakes and candy and not every plate is a choice between carrots and broccoli and chicken and rice. I need to get better about making the kids at least *try* foods.
