January 1, 2023

Top books I read in 2022.

I have had an *awesome* reading year.  It's somewhere over 50 books, which is amazing considering I didn't read for about ten years of my life.

I keep a running list of my books I've read here

And a list of books to read here

But since everyone like a list... here are my winners of 2022:

Best Fiction:

No One is Talking About This by Patricia Lockwood:  It's unlike anything I've read before.  I thought it was dumb, trendy, then poignant, then surprisingly crushing.  I think about it a lot.  It also made me cry.  How does a book written like a twitter make one cry?  I'm not sure, but it was a devastatingly good read.

Runner Up: Fiction:
The Fortune Men by Nadifa Mohamed

Best Non-Fiction
Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez.  This book blew my mind.  It changed how I see everything.  Perez reminded me of me - I was never a feminist.  I knew that women were equal now.  But then, all her data, and lack thereof, made me suddenly realize how unequal the world is.  When I looked around boardrooms why did I see 12 men and one woman? Why was I having so much trouble finding someone like me at higher corporate levels?  Why did the glass ceiling seem to be lowering on me after I had children?  I can't really explain how amazing this book is in a short blog post, but I wish it was required reading.

Runner Up: Non-Fiction
Tranquility by Tuesday by Laura Vanderkam.  

What is the best book you read this year?  What are you excited about for 2023??


  1. I have had Invisible Women on my list for awhile and this makes me want to read it now! Ugh though. How awful. Looks like a great year of reading!

  2. For Non-Fiction my faves were: Tranquility by Tuesday, Notes on a Nervous Planet (Matt Haig), and Keep Moving (Maggie Smith).
    For Fiction: My Name is Lucy Barton, Anne of Green Gables books, and The Lincoln Highway and The Man Who Died Twice

  3. Invisible Women was so good. I just loved how the author wrote using such specific examples starting with snow removal and just working her way down every single thing in the world. Such a powerful read!

  4. I thought Invisible Women fantastic. It did make me soooo angry sometimes though.
