January 24, 2023

On illness & resilience

The best part of being ill is being not ill anymore.

On a recent Thursday while working from home when I wondered why it was so cold.  I checked the thermostat and it was not cold.  It turns out, I was cold. Or rather, I was warm.  

I told my colleague on teams that I was going to take a nap for an hour as I wasn't feeling well.  

I finally got out of bed on Sunday.

I have not been that useless in a while.  I looked at a planner page as if it was Japanese (not tho Hobonichi kind of Japanese, but actual illegible Japanese.  My daily to do was blank.  On Sunday I got out to the grocery story, then had to lie down for another hour.

I didn't think about the day ahead, the week ahead, or the hour ahead.  It was very unlike me.  

Thankfully, after some sleep, I returned to the world of the living.  

I had decided on a word of the year this year - "health" - but I'm going to make a January pivot.  I'm going to chose "resilience".  Because I am not going to be healthy all the time.  

I'm not going to be able to make a perfect sports schedule but hopefully I can have a resilient one.

I'm not going to have an idea social calendar but hopefully I can find space for people I miss on illness weeks.

Maybe it's the damp climate, maybe it's the fact that I'm not from here and I have two young kids.  Maybe it's the weekly enclosed train ride or the open plan office, but I get ill a lot. Normally, the runny nose or mild cough variety.  But so far this winter I have had three fever and "in bed useless" illness varietals.  

I am thankful to be feeling better now and hoping that it lasts a while!


  1. Being sick is the worst. When I had COVID there were days when I was so tired that getting out of bed was a challenge and something as simple as watching TV was too strenuous. I will never take the days that aren't like that for granted.

    Here's to good health!

  2. Wow, that sounds like a rough bout of illness! Glad you are feeling better. And the pivot to "resilience" sounds fantastic! What a great word!

  3. Resilience is a great word - and so much more versatile than 'health. I am glad to hear you're feeling better.
